NBC's new dance competition series "World of Dance" is led by a judging team of extraordinary dance superstars - Jennifer Lopez (who also serves as an executive producer), Derek Hough, NE-YO and host/mentor Jenna Dewan Tatum. The 10-episode series from Universal Television Alternative Studio and Nuyorican Productions will give dancers the platform to showcase their talents and ...$-Wanna hear a joke? -Season 2(Fairly judged.Like if JLO should be replaced.I needed more KinjaBang.$eva!太棒,单人舞者很吃亏啊。$Eva真是,啊啊啊老大娘我迎风暴哭$双胞胎风格独特,冠军当之无愧,但是最让我感动的是eva,太灵动了,肢体美丽无以伦比。$看得太享受了