Modern farms are struggling to keep a secret. Most of the animals used for food in the United States are raised in giant, bizarre factories, hidden deep in remote areas of the countryside. Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries set out to investigate. The documentary takes viewers on a sometimes funny, sometimes frightening adventure, crawling through the bushes that hi...$智人的生理结构就是食草的,不要混同必需与贪婪,文明从来都伴随着堕落和罪恶,包括贪食后的身体病症。当一个真理慢慢浮出时,地球上最坏的monsters就是要完也必须开始改变传统和自己。$完全无逻辑,不speciesism的物种早就死光了…vegan们你们想过植物的感受么!就因为人家不会嚎就可以肆意宰杀么!人家植物的首要需求就是生存你把人家杀了真的不残忍么!vegan一生黑!$虽然数据不严谨也不完全准确,但是大理念是没错的。$220325 BL S1E3 “(for the) people” 191222复习 2014-09-17标记,15-10-2看了。道爷和彼得辛格以及peta主要成员与ALF的出现是亮点。此外导演也是咱们法学界的。$终于找到了