Hosted by Eva Marie Saint, the film's leading lady, this 40-minute documentary of Alfred Hitchcock's only M-G-M film combines interviews (Martin Landau, Patricia Hitchcock, production designer Robert F. Boyle and screenwriter Ernest Lehman), movie clips and behind the scenes photos to make for a fascinating look at one of the silver screen's glowing gems. For fans of North by N...$Destination Hitchcock - Making of "North by Northwest" (4/4)$大揭秘$看这类纪录片,就会感受到:时间的沧桑变化;希区柯克是一个完全的天才;电影中最重要的三种人是导演、编剧和演员;看电影幕后花絮、了解每个场面是如何拍摄的会带来解谜般的快感。$太有趣了,原来希区柯克在电影里放下了如此多的冷幽默,像一个不谙世事的小孩似的玩弄着银幕。$算是对电影一些片段的解说 但包含了大部分经典片段 Eva实在是太好看啦 在希胖的剧组里应该是非常舒适cozy的状态吧 也从解说里感受到影片的力量以及crew member的努力 这真的是一部非常非常精彩的电影