Nervous teacher Connie Bishop is annoying the neighbours with her constant cries that there is an intruder in her house until Jim Hanley is murdered in her garden. Rich bitch Zukie Richardson tells the police Jim was 'obsessed' with Connie and Jim's reasons for leaving the Frobisher Night Committee, organizers of an annual charity auction subsidised by Zukie's husband,retired e...$这集看完给我一种满头问号的感觉。。就故事从头到尾都好像在基于乡村女老师构建一个非常典型的男女关系混乱导致的情杀事件,随后又加入了梦游啊,偷窥啊等等要素,结果最后搞了个非常与此无关的金钱理由,甚至手法还涉及了高科技窃听。如果说为了出人意料那目的达到了,作为正常罪案故事看太没逻辑感。$Saw all Midsomer Murders$核心人物女教师乡村玛丽苏,人人都爱她,晚上必约人,半夜必歇斯底里吼叫。在你以为是情杀走向的时候,结尾杀人动机反转🚬$没懂,在他们发现了收音机里面的传送器后,怎么镜头一转他们就坐在了凶手的家里的计算机前$1.the sleepwalking scheme is a bit elaborate,2.the mechanical device solution is so far-fetched,3.the identity of culprit is simply a random pick