影片讲述了苏格兰裔赞比亚人Angus Buchan到南非 KwaZulu Natal开始新生活的故事。依靠一片田地,他最终在当地站稳了脚跟。 Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. With nothing more than a caravan on a p...$好看!$勤劳勇敢的土豆哥$感谢上帝使我们用信心作为盛接恩典的器皿,而不是行为或者别的什么。上帝知道人的本性重感官而不注重心灵,才用那么厚一本圣经,那么多重复的话语,不厌其烦地坚固信徒的信心,加添心的力量,又在生活中教导圣徒对信心的运用。感谢这大哉敬虔的奥秘。$确实感人!很受鼓励!祷告的力量真伟大!$美好而仓促的故事