Dedicated to the “Glorious Red Army,” this spirited film animates some of the most famous songs from the Civil War period like “Tachanka,” Meadowlands” (Polushka Pole), and “White Army, Black Baron” (Krasnaya Armia-Chornyi Baron). The music was recorded by the Alexandrov rchestra and the State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography (conducted by E. Khachaturyan). 松散的混搭,继承布琼尼骑兵军的革命传统$“Glorious Red Army!" ,歌颂红军——《Songs of the Years of Fire》,好听。$原来是这部啊$列宁同志你好,介个动画真省钱,明明就素个照片秀~$此片是极品,围观需谨慎