Set against the backdrop of the turbulent period in the late 60's leading up to Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan, Matir Moina (The Clay Bird) tells the story of a family torn apart by religion and war. A young boy, Anu, is sent off to a strict Islamic school, or madrasa, by his deeply religious father Kazi.As the political divisions in the country intensify, an increasin...$a nice film$看过的第一部孟加拉电影 Mark$75/100$一点一点对着原文看了好久,孟加拉国口音不太容易懂。最喜欢Rokon。中间的易卜拉欣故事唱诵实在是太美。$第一次看孟加拉國電影:粘土鳥。這部電影無論是從內容還是背景都比其他孟加拉國電影略勝一籌。