Dismayed that her husband George is ignoring her in favour of his much younger secretary Nancy, Maria Packington answers an advert guaranteeing to make her happier and ends up in Parker Pyne's office. As a result she is introduced to handsome young Claude Luttrell who makes her feel special, and eventually Maria and Claude 'bump into' George and Nancy, as a result of which Geor...$假作真時真亦假,明白不過裝糊塗$小说本身就偏伦理而非悬疑,影视化的挺生动有趣$哈哈哈好玩~$这简直是一部教育片,哪是什么侦探剧。不过还是有教育意义的,去找乐子吧,那些不在意你的人又何须使你如此痛苦伤心呐。$这是阿婆??男主最后的觉醒简直像偶像剧。那整场游戏到底是不是骗局?