A mini-sequel to German director Alexander Kluge's 1968 Golden Lion winner Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed, The Indomitable Leni Peickert continues the slice-of-life tale of down-on-her-luck Peickert (Hannelore Hoger), who in that earlier film (many will remember) made the mistake of investing in a "socially relevant" circus that failed to draw crowds - and quickly found h...$还行,但是女演员上唇的胡须太重了$8.8;與前作不相上下$社会$创过业,打过工,会写诗,有思想= 。。=! 克鲁格的镜头动起来简直就是华丽到爆,静下来就无聊的要死,几乎每部都是$莱妮变成了革命者,脱离了上一部的迷茫,信念更加执着。