Directed by Japanese underground legend Yoshihiko Matsui, most famous for his epic film Noisy Requiem, and his early work with maverick Japanese director Sogo Ishii (Gojoe, Crazy Thunder Road), Pig Chicken Suicide is a veritable assault on the senses, mixing violent images of animal slaughter, racial strife and surrealism to tell the story of 2 Koreans living in Japan, whose lo...$少有的精美underground$寺山修司的徒弟松井良彦的作品,极具地下气息。实验长片超现实艺术。御用演员佐野和宏,御用配乐上田现,片中八音盒的旋律极其美妙。。。$什么鸡巴长镜头场面调度,在我们胡屌搞派面前都是浮云。$吃喝嫖赌。。。吃喝拉撒,个中皆有三昧,自悟去吧骚年,干吧爹呦~$情色cult血腥超现实,还有能剧的融入,影像粗粝,实验先锋。