Early 1590, after the death of the ruler Oda Nobunaga, the Land was taken over by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Far away from the capital in the Eastern Plain, a mysterious rebel by the name of “Tenmao” was gathering momentum for a civil war with its Skull Corps. One day in the plain fields a lone girl “Sagiri” is chased and cornered by the Skull Corps. She tries to fight them off in val...$什么都好 每个选角都贴死 就是理子打戏差 一般我对古装戏里打戏差哪怕文戏好很爱嘲 但对理兰丸网开一面 情态动人。。宝好适合演这种活在梦幻中 走向毁灭的角色 兰兵卫冷艳 座长则风流潇洒 他嘴角动起来口裂很大 感染力强很适合做大表情 丽奈真是天仙下凡古装第一美 岸井雪乃可爱又演技绝佳$武戏一般,向井理扮起来真有点古典美人内意思,天魔拔吊无情