Plot Summary:Ryo Sakaki, a young man living in the suburbs of Tokyo, has to give up on his childhood dream to become a professional soccer player. After quitting an unsatisfying job at the factory and trying to return to the world of soccer one more time, Ryo meets an old friend of his, Eitaro. Eitaro tells Ryo that his girlfriend left him for the number one host of a popular night club in Roppongi, Tokyo. Trying to help his friend, Ryo meets Eitaro's rival Tohru Renjo and ends up challenging him. Without any experience, Ryo enters the world of Roppongi nightlife and starts to compete for the title of the number one host.
暖暖 • 帝王 01+02
依然是仓科辽的漫画,在夜王、娘王、女帝之后,又一部被搬上了银幕。这种题材如此的受欢迎么。 深夜剧,画面什么的自然没有夜王和女帝的精致,演员么,在看过夜王之后,冢本高史稚嫩的像在过家家。...