Plot Summary:Pearl, the well-loved character from the Boys' Love series Gameboys, gets to tell her own story. In this eight-episode web series, Pearl goes on a search for her one true love. She thinks she has found it in her best friend Karleen, but when the latter turns her down, Pearl is thrown off course. Then, Pearl's long-lost childhood friend, Alex, who has harbored a crush on her, reappears. Suddenly, Pearl's dream of finding love can become a reality. But is that what she really wants?
Caireel • 其实还是留下了一点伏笔,karleen那句“爱是给勇者的奖赏”,Alex说过
K说这句话是某个朋友告诉她的,加上A在和P电话时评论了K一句“她就是这样的人”,P顺势问她又一副欲言又止的样子,接着又说不了解K欲盖弥彰。同人文我都快想好怎么写了: K和A是早期视频电话还没那么盛行时...