Plot Summary:After Reiko moves from Japan to Hong Kong to start working for Jackie Chan, her boyfriend Daijiro, in a fit of jealousy, hops on a plane and heads for Hong Kong himself. He manages to land a job as a stuntman, but can't quite seem to win his girlfriend back. When a young woman from mainland China searching Hong Kong for her boyfriend shows up in Daijiro's apartment, an additional set of complications are added to the story. Will anyone find their true love?
把持 • 原版結局
國語配音版閹割得非常嚴重、幾乎不能看。 結局是大二郎帶著劇組人員奔赴范柳源的地盤去救李流青、中間發生鬥毆、警察趕到、全部抓走、警察發現李柳青沒有暫住證、於是準備遣返、離別時大二郎與李柳青相互表白、表....