Plot Summary:A ten year old boy gets tired of life with abusive parents and cashes in his piggy bank and steals a Mustang. He rides off into a surreal America playing "Motorama," a game sponsored by Chimera Gas Company. He has various encounters with different people, and eventually reaches the Chimera Gas Company where he finds they are not playing by the rules of the game.
mr.farmer • 这是一场梦,谁愿长梦不复醒
看完了“寻梦之旅”,我在厕所里,用一根烟的时间,却就想了这个题目。 电影是部夹杂着公路片,西部片,成长片的魔幻现实主义作品。一个家庭存在重重问题的10岁孩子,为着一个莫须有的卡片奖,展开了一段寻梦之...