Plot Summary:Sora, the third daughter of four sisters, is a selfless soul who runs a medical clinic she inherited from her father which cares for primarily poor and weak patients. Sora is shocked to learn that she has a younger step-sister, Hiyo, whom her father had out of wedlock, and is loath to accept her into the family. However, it is revealed that Hiyo has a secret which pits Sora's dislike for her step-sister against her otherwise generous nature.
King • 医家姐妹
真是挺早的片子,浅野温子都还年轻,现在简直是不能直视了。不过话说回来,除了《101次求婚》,浅野温子似乎没一个形象特别吸引我,这真是另类的“一俊遮百丑”。 我想要不是阳世得了慢性白血病,那这五姐妹的关...