芝万是一名四十来岁的女子,她辞掉了工作创作剧本,希望成为一名电影人。她的儿子时泳要在她的电影里扮演“路人3号”。渐渐地,创作变得越来越艰难,而当她看见一个水洼里的彩虹时,找到了新的灵感。Jiwan is thirty + housekeeper and director. She lives with a teenager son, Siyong and her husband, Sang Woo. She has been prepared her first feature film in a film company, but it does not go well. One day, she tired to write scenarios, the cursor changes to the ants occasionally fantasize, so she stopped to write scenarios. After a few months, she saw the rainbow reflected in a puddle, she start to new works and she go to new film company. One day, she encounters an empty stage, and saw fantastic rainbow scene and heard the Fantasia, and picks up abandoned music score. Since she writes to a new scenario, the title of 'Rainbow'. But it is non-commercial, and is rejected. As time goes by, she is tired out because of repeated operations.