This is a more sepcific perspective toward the Big Crash in 1929, but everybody knows what crashed in 1929 was not only the stock market. We've been talking more than needed on this incident through all these years, however, things just happened again--somehow spontaneously.

I've been reluctantly to admit the similarity between the two crashes since situation has really changed. The only similarity is the extent that expands. And even the extent is differed--we haven't seen so much poverty and famine. But after this documentary, I have to admit history repeated itself again, with nothing much regrets.

I didn't expect that the Britains would present an object or honest attitude on this issue. Surely they have shame to hide up even if they're not Americans. Easy credit, free market access, popularity among celebrities and the prestiges--these are what they've been dragging on and on. Speculation while deregulation--this is what they inspected then concluded. Are these the key of the tragedy? I believe few people would say yes.

Even though, even the most obvious lesson still we failed to learn.(Or maybe I should say "they".) Has capital market been facilitating us or preventing us? Is it virtuous or wicked? After all, it is too pathetic to admit that we're doomed to this cyclical destiny.

"People's memories are short." So, extend your memory, please.



主演:Bill Paterson John Sessions 

导演:Joanna Bartholomew / 编剧:查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin/格劳乔·马克斯 Groucho Marx/老约瑟夫·肯尼迪 Joseph P. Kennedy/约翰·卡尔文·柯立芝 Calvin Coolidge/赫伯特·克拉克·胡佛 Herbert Hoover/温斯顿·丘吉尔 Winston Churchill/富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福 Franklin D. Roosevelt/阿道夫·希特勒 Adolf Hitler