X档案 第四季The X-Files(1996)


主演:大卫·杜楚尼 吉莲·安德森 米彻·佩勒吉 威廉·B·戴维斯 布莱恩·汤普森 史蒂文·威廉姆斯 劳瑞·侯登 莫里斯·潘迟 布雷丹·贝塞尔 

导演:R.W.古德温 / 编剧:克里斯·卡特 Chris Carter

X档案 第四季:剧情介绍

The continuing search for Jeremiah Smith leads Scully to uncover encrypted data files whose purpose is not yet known. Being closely hunted by an unknown assassin, Jeremiah leads Mulder to a secluded farm in rural Canada while men in suits determine Mrs. Mulder's fate.
Plot Summary:Mulder is intent on saving Jeremiah Smith from the alien bounty hunter if for no other reason than he hopes Smith could save his mother who has suffered a severe stroke. Smith takes him to rural Alberta where he reveals another aspect of the conspiracy: fields where bees can pollinate that are tended by children, several of whom are identical to his sister when she was abducted at age 12. Scully meanwhile believes she has found a connection between smallpox vaccinations and the encrypted files she' located.

X档案 第四季的影评列表

开放社会 • X档案 分集剧情介绍 第四季

第1集 颠覆地球 HERRENVOLK Smith带Mulder来到一片培育花粉的人工种植地,Mul

6455 • 关于第7集

第七集说的是吸烟人一生经历,改变了我对他前几季的看法。 他也曾想过安逸的生活,投投稿,但屡次被出版社

DA! • 一些碎碎念


Stranger Things
Stranger Things • 穆德那番话

S4E05 前世今生 MULDER: At times, I almost dream. (Mu