

The extent to which you are affected by this thought-provoking documentary about midwifery as an option of natural childbirth very much depends on your pre-existing views of medicine and parenthood. As someone who recently had two lovely children of our own, I must confess that the movie reached me with an irresistible immediacy. But still, one strives to be intellectually detached re this very sensitive topic: I can believe that most childbirths could have happened outside of hospitals and provided a better experience to the mothers and family members; after all, that's what homo sapiens have been doing since...whenever. But how valid is the association of unnecessarily induced births AND the allegedly "lower" intensity of a mother feels for her new-born, in such cases?

Anyway, the author didn't claim to be 100% objective; it will be a very dull world, in fact, if we viewers do not have the mental capacity to process things less than the whole truth---it would be like someone trying to survive in this virus-ridden world without an adequate immunne system. And I hope it testifies to her integrity and intellectual humility that the film-maker studiously documented the fact that she herself had to give birth in a hospital on account of her baby's breech position.

Even as documentaries go, the production value is mediocre. But the content is so compelling that it doesn't seem to matter.





导演:Abby Epstein /