故事里的主角,是东海龙王既顽皮又叛逆的独生子——小龙。自小娇生惯养的它也是王位唯一的继承人。 有一天,贪玩的小龙偷把龙宫的镇山之宝“龙珠”带出去玩时,无意发现恶毒的“三角怪”的奸计,还被抓了当阶下囚。“三角怪”的最终目的是要利用小龙勒索东海龙王,换取东海龙宫以及那宝贵的“东海神珠”。 在“三角怪”的威胁下,东海龙宫陷入困境,年迈的龙王既担心爱儿的安危,又担忧少了神珠而不抵以前的手下败将。 这也开始了小龙一连串的惊险旅程……The Eastern Sea has been peaceful under the reign of the Dragon King. That's about to change, when the evil octopus Ocho is freed from her banishment and unleashes her vengeance upon the kingdom. Draco, the prince, is the only one who knows of her plans and leaps into action to stop her. Only through fighting for what he believes and protecting those he loves, he realizes what it truly means to be a Dragon King.