更新:2019-05-13 08:05:04

全美超模大赛 第二十季(2013)

又名:全美超级模特新秀大赛 第二十季 / 全美超模 第二十季

主演:Tyra Banks / Kelly Cutrone / Rob Evans / Johnny Wujek / Bryan Boy / 


srt , ass
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《全美超模大赛》(America"s Next Top Model,简称ANTM)是近来最热的一套以模特选举为题材的真人秀节目。选手将从美国不同地方和阶层、年龄介于18至25岁的参赛者中选取,经过筛选后,她们将接受对行时装天桥、密集式体能训练、硬照拍摄和宣传技巧等各方面进行测试,并接受二十四小时的严密监察,每集均有几名固定或客席嘉宾评判参与评审工作;每周淘汰一名参赛者,适者生存,直到顺利进入最后阶段。众位参赛者将为竞得超模候选人的头衔而不断努力改造自己,为自己的模特生涯铺路。A group of quarter-finalists are handpicked out of hundreds of applicants to do an immediate runway show in a ball organized to formally open the show. After this, the quarter-finalists are brought in for some face-to-face interviews with the judges. The four judges (Tyra Banks, Rob Evans, Kelly Cutrone, and Johnny Wujek) then decide on 26 semi-finalists. Results of the cut were revealed by Bryanboy at the location of the house which the finalists will remain through the competition. In a surprise visit, Tyra Banks and Rob Evans come to see the semi-finalists to give them "one-on-one girl advice" and "one-on-one guy advice". The next day, the 26 remaining contestants were expected to do a photo shoot in an open street in LA. This photo shoot was projected onto a building behind the set along with a corresponding voting number that allows people walking by to vote for their favorites. With the final shots chosen, the four judges' decisions along with the public vote decide on the final 16 models who will remain in the running. Results of the finalists were revealed by Tyra Banks herself. Along with this news, she reveals to them (the finalists) what their next challenge will be - a runway for Guess in which they must walk down the side of a building.