Ideology—taking off the glass
Force to be free; Freedom hurts
Catholic religion: obscene permission (not Christianity). The logic of institution as its purest—pretend to renounce
Guilty of not being able to enjoy; in postmodern society enjoyment becomes duty. Ultimate melancholic is caused by the loss of desire itself. Kinder surprise egg—the surplus enables the enjoyment of the surface
Coke, that’s it. →the excess, something more.
Ode to joy: empty container open to all possible meanings→the place of exclusion→Beethoven is practicing the critique of ideology
London riot: people are caught in the ideology (consumerism) but have no way to realize it except the non-ideological brutality.
Fantasy is a lie because it conceals inconsistency→imagine I myself am desired by others→victim enjoys his/her victimhood
Violence as a covering-up of the impotence of cognitive mapping→we should doing violence to something in you that ties you to the ideology
Instability is how the capitalism functions. Duty is on the side of capitalism→to sacrifice anything
Enjoy it! →undermine Nazism from within. Likewise, how to undermine Stalinist universe→to demonstrate that there is no mythic people which serves as the ultimate legislation (There is God, then everything is permitted).
Big Other is the order of appearances. We need the big other to maintain our appearances. In order to truly exist as an individual, we fabricate the agency to register our predicament. → No one is listening to your confession. We are alone.
The subjective destitution of the Christ suspends or cancels the field of symbolic authority. His death itself is good news, which means, you are alone, left to your freedom. →The only way to become an atheist is to go through Christianity.
Authentic passivity
Purposelessness→the intense enjoyment of bureaucratic engagement
The first step to freedom is not to change the reality to fit your dreams, but to change the way you dream.

变态者意识形态指南The Pervert's Guide to Ideology(2012)

又名:齐泽克电影指南:意识形态篇(港) / 意识形态疯癫指南



导演:索菲亚·菲尼斯 / 编剧:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 Slavoj Zizek


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