《They Live极度空间》1988


《The sound of music音乐之声》1965

——首先精神分析psychoanalysis区分enjoyment 和pleasures :enjoyment: enjoyment in disturbed pleasure。这个区分扭曲了relationship between duty and pleasures。这里即为(宗教)意识形态的施展空间。


——意识形态工作机制:表面上教导人们要富有责任心和道德感duty*no pleasure,暗地里却说签订契约就可以为所欲为pleasure,由此,pleasure和duty建立对立关系,pleasure不再属于个体,而属于“庇护个体”的divine Big Other

电影中的天主教意识形态:玛丽亚进入修道院(接受duty),遇到男爵(pleasure和duty发生冲突),修道院鼓励和肯定她去enjoy。推测玛丽亚在enjoy中又因为duty感到自责,又感激修道院的庇护。天主教的吸引力即在于,个体可以在作为机构的教堂(church as an institution)和个人的行为困境(behavior troubles)之间建立契约(contract),个体的欲望得到了divine Big Other大对体/大他者的庇护。这个契约并不符合基督教教义,而是属于“机构”,是一个纯粹的“制度逻辑logic of institution”。机智的基督教宣传册不会是“禁欲”的,而是一个教徒和教堂机构之间的契约——当教徒的pleasure和duty发生冲突时,教堂便会成为教徒昧着duty享受pleasure行为(enjoyment?)的庇护者(如果不接受基督教教义,人们就没有duty和pleasure的困惑,随心所欲。

类比现代生活某意识形态:duty作为意识形态的第一层,pleasure与其“教徒” “天然对立”,但是现代人会遇到非常多duty和pleasure之间的冲突,现代人会在负罪之下enjoy——但是本来,pleasure并不会有负罪感,负罪感是意识形态赋予的。

类比现代生活某意识形态:“be yourself”(pleasure)作为现代社会意识形态第一层时,现代人生活中又会有面临各种duty与pleasure发生冲突,duty成为了隐藏的第二层?


Q:齐泽克举出心理医生朋友给他讲的People feel guilty for not enjoying enough, for not being able to enjoy这个故事,是为了说明当下,意识形态的表层改变为了“pleasure”吗?

Q:那个和谐三分钟歌的人atheist communist的时候,齐泽克为什么要特别指出“作为一个可能的无神论共产党员”,“他清楚天主教的魅力在哪”?


《Different Dance可口可乐广告》2000

——商品从来都不只是我们消费的物品a commodity is never just a simple object that we buy and consume. 商品反映了某种“超然”的需求。theoretical even metaphysical niceties, its presence reflects an invisible transcendence

——可乐是一个完美的商品, 可乐广告堂而皇之地透露出了商品的这种隐藏的“超然”属性。the classical publicity for Coke quite openly refers to this absent invisible quality: Coke is the Real Thing or Coke That's It

——“义务性”享乐的社会:in our postmodernism (societies)(这里齐泽克为啥说however we call them societies?) we are obliged to enjoy (duty)


——欲望从来都不是单纯对“某物”的渴望,还有对“欲望”本身、对于能够“持续欲望”的渴望。抑郁即丧失了欲望。never simply the desire for a certain thing, always also a desire for desire itself-a desire to continue to desire-maybe the ultimate horror of desire is to be fully filled in met

——“冰可乐才是真正的可乐”-商品的附加值elusive surplus(商品的基本辩证法elementary dialectics of commodities(?)

*Kinder Suprise Egg健达奇趣蛋:“附加欲望”被实体化;齐泽克并不认为巧克力外壳的存在是为了让人更好地探索内部附加的玩具。i don't think that the chocolate frame is just to send you on a deeper voyage towards the inner treasure (the what Plato calls "Agalma" which makes you a worthy person) (which makes the commodity a desirable commodity.) I think it is the other way around.

而是内部的玩具的存在是为了让人更好地享受巧克力外壳。We should aim at the higher goal, the goal in the middle of an object precisely to be able to enjoy the surface, This is what the anti-metaphysical lesson which is difficult to accept.

《Ode to Joy欢乐颂》

——这段乐曲使用场景极广,适用于几乎所有ideology。因此也不能保证其中立this neutrality if a frame is never as neutral as it appears

——Alex(《Clockwork Orange发条橙》1971)被欢乐颂深深感动。whenever an idealogical text says all humanity unite in brotherhood joy and so on, you should always ask, are this "all" really "all"? or is someone excluded(Alex)——而贝多芬的交响乐中包含了这些“被排除在外”的人


《west side story西区故事》1961

——if the classical ideology functioned in the way designated by Marx in his nice formula from Capital Volume One, "they don't know why they are doing, but they are none the less doing it"——cynical ideology犬儒主义的意识形态 functions in the mode of this


——English riots of August 2011,对这次骚乱的standard liberal解释说这些暴乱的人生活环境很差等等,但是不够说服。因为人并非只受到客观环境的影响,每个人都有一个“缓冲区”,使人有机会发挥主观能动性改变客观环境。because man is not simply a product of objective circumstances, we all have this margin of "freedom" in deciding how we subjectivize these objective circumstances which, of course, determine us how we react to them by constructing our own universe


《taxi driver出租车司机》1976

《the searchers搜索者》1956

——两部电影都是”英雄“要“营救” “受害者”,但是常常引发暴力的原因在于”英雄“潜意识认识到”受害者“本身是享受”受害者身份的“(不想被救)the task is always to "save" the perceived "victim"; but what really drives this violence of the hero is a deep suspicion that the victim is actually, in a perverted way, enjoys or participates in what appears as her victimhood(*美国的“人道主义”军事干预)结果只能是“暴力的爆发”

——暴力不仅仅是抽象意义上的“暴力”,它还是一种为了隐藏自身的无力感而进行的“强制现实介入” violence is never just abstract "violence", it is a kind of brutal intervention in the real to cover up certain impotence concerning what we may call "cognitive mapping": You lack a clear picture of what is going on, where are we.

——“可怕的暴力爆发”是同理的。it is palpably clear that how this violence that Breivik not on(屠杀施加者) ly theorized about but also enacted is a reaction to the impenetrability and confusion of global capital.

——应该把暴力施加到内心中把你束缚在主流意识形态的东西上。you should have the outburst of violence and you should direct it at yourself, but in a very specific way at what in yourself change you ties you to the ruling ideology.



《triumph of the will意志的胜利》1935

《the eternal jew》1940


——Nazi fascist anti-semitism反犹太主义意识形态的工作原理即是如此。

法西斯主义最初通过经济变革elementary conservative revolution to develop modern industry发展生产力;一场变革会伴随着维护或者重建传统的等级制社会reassert traditional hierarchal society, a society which is modern and efficient, but at the same time controlled by hierarchal values with no class or other antagonisms. 但是资本主义的运作方式就是和传统等级社会矛盾的“不稳定” antagonism, class struggle and other dangers are something inherent to capitalism, modernization, and industrialization means disintegration of old stable relations, it means social conflicts. Instability is the way capitalism functions.

法西斯的解决方式就是发明一种“外来入侵者Jews”意识形态叙事解释社会的困境(实际的社会发展的内部矛盾) generate an ideological narrative which explains how things went wrong

* 英国John Major的意识形态运动ideological campaign,社会的所有问题都集中在事业单身母亲身上

*不要把和法西斯主义相关的一切都看作是法西斯主义的一部分;中间很多概念都来自于工人运动,比如大型群众游行概念、严格的纪律和守纪观念、人民的团结the solidarity of the people


举例《tomorrow belongs to me》(《cabaret歌厅》1972)改几个字就是激进左翼共产主义radically leftist community歌曲

举例《volkerball》rammstain,2006《Reise Reise》elements of the Nazi ideology-pure elements of libidinal investment,其表演中的纳粹军国主义的手势其实没有什么意识形态的含义。只是把这些元素从意识形态中释放出来享受元素本身;by suspending the Nazi horizon of meaning to undermine Nazism from within

——意识形态是如何把意识形态本身和 “本来不归属于任何东西的要素” 联系起来的呢?

these elements can also be seen as a kind of a bribe, the way ideology pays us to seduce us into its edifice, these bribes can be purely libidinal bribes all those tics which are condensed enjoyment, or they can be explicit discursive elements like notions of solidarity of collective discipline, struggle for one's destiny, etc


——星巴克咖啡:be a consumerist without any guilty(pay more to “duty”)




——好莱坞电影生产“情侣”手段的高峰the supreme case of ideology in recent Hollywood:

1) what people ironically refer to as James Cameron's "Hollywood Marxism", the ridiculous fake sympathy with lower classes, while the upper classes are mostly all evil, egotistic, cowardly

2) what role does the iceberg hitting the ship play in the development of the love story?

3) 两人的爱情将是一场灾难,Jack 的作用就是帮助 Rose to reconstitute her ego(自我价值)- a new version of one of the old ? imperialist myths

4) 冰山是在二人决定在一起后才撞上的,事故拯救了the illusion of eternal love

* “灾难”拯救“思想”《oratorio for Prague》1968苏联的入侵拯救了“布拉格之春”的梦想

5) ```she shouted, "I will never let you go" while at the same time pushed him off,"vanishing mediator" ——电影里说的明明是i will never let go,齐泽克搞错了吧

——同逻辑《the fall of Berlinv柏林的陷落》1949,战争的目的是拆开这对情侣,胜利的目的是为了让这对情侣复合。每次在一起都要归功于斯大林。


《full Metal jecket全金属外壳》1987

——人不会甘心无脑地成为(军队)机器的一部分。还有更多:military discipline mindless following orders

1)通过调侃保持距离 ironic distance:《M.A.S.H陆军野战医院》(1970)sexual escapades+jokes

2)增加淫秽的内容以维持机器的运转 obscene supplement to pure military discipline:《full Metal jecket全金属外壳》淫荡的的行进歌曲(并非取笑,而是其组成部分);bribe them with a bit enjoyment-obscenities sustain the military machinery


——所有“机器”(国家-学校)都适用,想获得群体的认同总有那么一些隐藏的规则。《if如果》 1968

《the dark knight黑暗骑士》2008

a noble fable

《Brief Encounter相见恨晚》(1945)

——big other是什么

1) the secret orders of things (control our destiny)

2) the order of appearances: 禁令仅限于不能在big other之下发生。

——big other 的形象:




《zabriskie point扎布里斯基角》1970

我们需要对“梦想”负责 we are responsible for our dreams-----our dreams stage our desires, and our desires are not objective facts, we created them, we sustained them, we are responsible for them.

《the loves of a blonde金发女郎的爱情》1965


《the last temptation of christ基督最后的诱惑》

变态者意识形态指南The Pervert's Guide to Ideology(2012)

又名:齐泽克电影指南:意识形态篇(港) / 意识形态疯癫指南



导演:索菲亚·菲尼斯 / 编剧:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 Slavoj Zizek


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