I believe that I will come back, poets always come back, in flesh or on paper.
People have grown out of the strongest one being right, there are too many weak people in the world. The only thing that's right is kindness. Nobody wins from evil, anger or hatred, even if you call them righteous. The conditions of existence are too difficult. Don't complicate them even more. We are all condemned to the same thing. To death.

电影本身的艺术手法奇幻,除热内外,让我联想到前苏联风格捷克动画鼹鼠的故事。升上天空的星空星座,从地上升起在天空合奏的交响乐器,反复出现的写作的猫。"What is a cat? A reduced lion right? Like we are reduced christions."

影片前半段童年时期,做摄影师的父亲对他在艺术修养上的影响,和母亲的头痛。他们在斯大林时代失去了财产、安全和尊严,搬去彼得堡那段引用了阿赫玛托娃的诗 “My parents took me in a carriage to watch this house being built, everyone thought it would be the most beautiful building in St.Petersburg.” 建筑本身是沙皇时代遗留下来的辉煌遗迹,西方化的俄罗斯精神传统的化石,隔成无数个隔间之后,成为苏维埃公民的集体宿舍,一种我们都很熟悉的公共生活的图景。

最被触动还是结尾。布罗茨基与父母亲像过去那样坐在桌边,久别追溯近况般随口问道“So how did die?” 这才把观众拉回现实原来这回到祖国的伤感旅行都是虚幻。




How did you die?他转向母亲。





How did you die? 父母亲转向他。他叉子上还插着一块腌黄瓜,愣在半空中说不出话。Did I die?

Since you are here talking to us.



may i not have to die far from you, far away
in the mountains of doves, imitating the bow-legged boy
May you also not have to, rushing the clouds along
see my tears and my pitful grief in the dark
let the service for me be
by choir of water and sky
and the granite will swallow and hug me
remembering my steps
let the burial service be read
and me, the fugitive, be sained by
your immovable glory on
earth on a white night
In the silence around only the black towboat will scream
In the middle of river, in its
desperate fight against darkness
And the flying night will betroth this miserable life
with your beauty and with my posthumous rightness.

一个半房间,或回到祖国的感伤旅行Полторы комнаты или сентиментальное путешествие на Родину(2009)

又名:一个半房间 / Poltory komnaty ili sentimentalnoe puteshestvie na rodinu / Room and a Half


主演:Aleksandr Bargman Sergei Barkovsky Aleksei Devotchenko Alisa Frejndlikh 

导演:Andrey Khrzhanovskiy / 编剧:尤里·阿拉博夫 Yuri Arabov/安德烈·赫尔扎诺夫斯基 Andrey Khrzhanovskiy/Joseph Brodsky